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Sales Coaching Certification

  • 87 Steps


Who this course is for: Entrepreneurs and existing coaches who would like to maximize their profits by starting efficiently their own business sales coaching practice Existing business, life and health coach entrepreneurs who want to make a better living by creating their own sales coaching enterprise Aspiring coaches who want to learn for themselves and teach others how to identify the reasoning behind client's choices, how to efficiently sale and prospect, and ultimately ho to close the sale Small Business owners who see the power in sales life coaching and they want to learn how to teach others the sales strategies and methods they apply to themselves in order to create win-win situation and to make a profit by putting the client first and creating long lasting relationships Certified Coaches and entrepreneurs as in self-employed or independent small business owners who want to know how to build their sales life coaching brand successfully and how to grow their sales and marketing power Existing Business, Health or Life Coaches who feel overwhelmed with the idea of selling and the sales process and they need to overcome their own fears and holdbacks in order to help others be successful in sales as well.




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