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BellyCore(R) Fitness International Certification

  • 77 Steps


Reducere 80% în perioada 11 August - 15 Septembrie 2023 cu codul bellycore80 la check out! The Fitness International Belly Dance and Belly Core Fitness Certification Course is an 8 hour weight loss, belly dancing and instructional fitness course based on diverse international core dance and belly dance moves in which you will learn very important concepts including: Fitness theory, Weight loss, Human anatomy and Belly dance. As well as the current guidelines of exercise through Belly Dance and Belly Core, including: Exercise type, duration and intensity Demonstration of possible body movements Exploring the range of motion of every major joint in the body Book: How to apply all of it in creating your own Belly Dance and Belly Core Fitness classes, which you can teach, as a business in your own community. The fitness course offers you a new life skill, a core training and weight loss tool with which you can create a successful Belly Dance and Belly Core fitness business for yourself, with a great stream of income and limitless possibilities for growth. In the same time it offers you the psychological benefits and the amazing satisfaction of dance, belly dance, Latin and African dance, fitness movement and power to help others improve their health and lifestyle and to bring happiness into different lives.




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